Aprende la técnica del macramé y aplícalo en el proyecto que gustes, TALLERES PERSONALIZADOS, en linea y presenciales.
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The magic is in your hands, just dare to explore it.
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Our happy customers!
"Sandy, you are amazing! I was impressed by how organized and careful the face-to-face workshop was. 😊 I never thought I would have the patience to make the tapestry, thanks to your guide I did it 😍 I hope next year to do the garments. A hug, these doing an amazing job."
Zenelys Velasquez
"There are knots that bind and knots that untie, I don't know you, I don't know about the art of macrame, but seeing your post I manage to let go of everything... Thank you 🙏 blessed hands, I wish one day I could let my imagination fly and free with knots."
Jennifer Betancourt
"I loved. Thank you very much Sandi I learned a lot. Highly recommended."
Nury Yate
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