Privacy policies

The purpose of this document is to make transparent the relationship we have with our users through our website Our site stores the private and confidential information of each person who decides to be part of the E-Commerce platform. .
The type of information collected on these pages is:

  • Names
  • Surnames
  • Email
  • Phone

In certain modules such as product dispatch (addresses), you can enter personal information from third parties. For example, to recommend or send a product to a friend/family member. In this circumstance, the type of information collected is:
Name of the Recipient, Surname of the Recipient, Email of the Recipient, Dispatch Address.
We do not store any information regarding means of payment


The data provided when completing the form to register as a user or subscriber is essential in order to provide you with a correct delivery service of information, promotions and recommended products. With these we can communicate with you to inform you about the status and validity of your subscription, access codes, solution of problems when browsing or send you information about our product offers that we have built especially for you.
The personal data you provide us will never be used or shared in a way other than those described in this document. We will provide the necessary mechanisms to prevent such uses.


In our online sales store, we use different tools to learn more about our users and improve the product preferences we have for them. These tools include email marketing opening and navigation statistics, website navigation and interaction with social networks linked to our platform.
This is not personal information that allows the identification of specific people, but rather corresponds to general data of the visit made, such as the IP address – the unique number assigned by your access provider when accessing the Internet – or the content in cookies – files with a certain expiration date, stored in the cache of your browser and that allow you to identify yourself on a site, save personalized preferences and also report your visits to a site, among others. Through different applications we can identify your operating system as the browser from which you contact us, we do this with the aim of being able to solve possible problems in the shortest possible time.
These data make it possible to generate information on the number of visits, pages visited, hours of use, platform and browser access, among other reports. This information is not used in any way to identify each user individually; reserves the right to use it in a general way for commercial and strategic planning of the site.


To prevent malicious access, keep the data updated and ensure the correct use of your information, we have physical and electronic methods and management procedures to keep the information collected safe, such as periodic backups, distributed computing and contingency plans against possible failures of the system.


The contents of this website are offered for informational purposes about products and their marketing, for which reason we are exempted from any responsibility — whether direct or indirect — that may arise from the use or application of the information published on www.artesana-sandy. com outside of such purposes.

The links (hyperlinks or links) to third-party content that appear on this website through the comments are included with the purpose of expanding the information or indicating another point of view. This does not imply the acceptance of said contents nor the association of with those responsible for said web pages, for which reason it rejects all responsibility in relation to them or for possible failures, errors or damages (whether direct or indirect) that your computer equipment, operating system and/or your applications, documents or files may suffer that are caused or derived from the capacity or quality of your computer system, or from the presence of a virus or any other harmful computer application on the computer you use to access the Internet, the quality of your Internet connection or access, due to a malfunction of your browser or the use of computer applications whose versions are not updated or for which you do not have the corresponding license. user.

PAYMENT SYSTEM offers the possibility to its registered users to make purchases through our platform. In relation to the privacy of bank details. does not store any type of information about bank card codes: Card Number, Expiration Date, Security Code (three digits located on the back of the card) and the name of the card holder .

All these data are stored by a third party who is responsible for processing the transaction. Although the responsibility of is limited when using this service, it will ensure compliance with good practices.


Users will be able to delete the data registered with our online sales store.

Deleting an account means deleting all the data that the user has registered with us on the production server. There may be the possibility that there are copies of this data in security backup which are not used for commercial purposes.

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, or if you would like to make any suggestion or recommendation, please contact us at the following email address:

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